Shiny glassware with a unique DIY design makes it an ideal gift for your beloved ones. All you need to do is to come up with your design and carve it onto
the plaster mold. The glass and the mold are placed in the furnace, where the mold casts the design onto the molten glass.The plaster mold breaks after
each casting, meaning each piece of glass relief is absolutely unique.
- 專業導師指導玻璃餐具製作的結構及工驟
- 已包材料,工具及燒窯費
- 石膏上雕刻的技巧
- 親身體驗製作及帶走玻璃浮雕作品
課堂時間: 3小時 (適合14歲以上)
* 或可以訂造購買
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